Join us on Tuesday, July 21 at 7:30pm on our Facebook page ( to see the premiere of Miscast 2020.
You'll see some of our most talented performers from the past few years. All of them, of course, singing parts in which they would NEVER normally be cast!
In past years, we have used Miscast Cabaret as our yearly fundraiser for King Avenue Players. This year, we want to thank King Avenue Church for generously allowing us to use their space for rehearsals and performances at no charge. In that spirit, all your donations tonight will go directly to King Avenue Church to support the maintenance of their building and other projects.
To donate, please visit or text KINGAVE KAP to 73256. Giving is easy and secure. Please give generously. Please note: If you are a Realm user and would like to donate, you'll need to log into Realm then click on the link listed above.
Thanks to Jason Bradley-Krauss, David A. Boley, Dan McCarty, Emily Moore, Janet Reichert, Kurt Reichert and Bailey Richmond for sharing their musical talents. Thanks to Ben Bolander for the the script and helping to organize the talent. Special thanks to John Keeny and King Ave Church for the use of the space to record our cabaret. Thank you to Lydia Miller for recording and editing the show.
We hope you enjoy Digital Miscast Cabaret!